Seamless Blockchain Data Syncing With KYVE's KSYNC

For anyone interested in blockchain, whether as a validator, developer, or data analyst, having access to accurate historical blockchain data is crucial. However, actually getting to this data, especially historical records, has traditionally been a significant challenge. Blockchain networks have to rely on centralized data providers, which increases the risk of data loss, potential theft, and data corruption.

Enter KSYNC, a tool developed by KYVE Network that revolutionizes how blockchain data is accessed, synced, and utilized. Since its launch, KSYNC has saved node operators over 66 days of sync time—an enormous feat considering the importance of timely data in the blockchain ecosystem.

Here’s an overview of how KSYNC solves the age-old blockchain data problem, leveraging KYVE to replace archival nodes and making joining a network, syncing with a blockchain, or any moment in its history a breeze.

The Challenge: Accessing Historical Blockchain Data

Imagine trying to join a blockchain network as a new validator, starting a new blockchain project, or simply trying to analyze past data for research. You might think it would be as simple as connecting to the network and downloading what you need. Unfortunately, the reality is far more complex.

Many blockchain networks do not incentivize storing historical data, which means finding peers to retain this data is increasingly difficult. Even when state-sync snapshots are available, they often fail due to technical limitations, such as broken peer-to-peer connections or unenabled nodes.

However, access to historical blockchain data is more than just a convenience—it's essential for the integrity and functionality of blockchain networks. Without reliable access to this data, validators and developers face significant risks.

For instance, the inability to verify past transactions or access historical states can lead to incorrect decision-making, such as validating fraudulent blocks or executing smart contracts based on outdated or manipulated data. This lack of access can also hinder the ability to audit and trace blockchain activities, compromising the transparency and trust that are the foundational principles of blockchain technology.

In the worst-case scenario, a lack of access could allow malicious actors, including validators, to exploit these vulnerabilities, potentially leading to significant financial losses and undermining the security of the entire network.

As blockchain continues to scale and integrate into critical sectors, ensuring uninterrupted and reliable access to historical data becomes increasingly important to safeguard against these risks​. For those seeking to sync data from the genesis block or at specific historical points, the hurdles can be insurmountable without the right tools.

This is where KSYNC steps in as a game-changer.

What is KSYNC?

KSYNC is a powerful data-syncing tool designed to streamline the process of accessing and syncing blockchain data across nodes in KYVE-supported chains, which include Tendermint-based or CometBFT blockchains such as Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, and Cronos.

KSYNC leverages KYVE’s decentralized data pools, allowing validators and developers to bypass the traditional roadblocks of historical data retrieval, whether it’s blocks, state snapshots, or even specific block heights. KSYNC will also soon extend support to EVM and other ecosystems.

The introduction of KSYNC marks a significant leap forward in managing and accessing blockchain data. For validators, this means no more waiting for peers or searching for trusted sources to obtain the data necessary for network participation. Developers can now easily access historical data, enabling them to build more robust applications and conduct in-depth analyses.

Moreover, KSYNC drastically reduces the dependency on centralized data providers. In an era where decentralization is a core principle of blockchain technology, this is a critical advancement. By making blockchain data more accessible, KSYNC not only enhances the efficiency of existing networks but also paves the way for new entrants to participate without the typical barriers to entry.

With KSYNC, managing blockchain data becomes not just easier but exceptionally efficient. Here’s how it streamlines your workflow:

  • Sync to any historical height extremely fast,
  • Start from the Genesis block or any specific target height
  • Utilize state sync snapshots up to the Genesis block
  • Eliminate reliance on peers or trusted app hashes by using KYVE’s trustless data
  • No need to schedule regular backups anymore as state sync is possible at any time

KSYNC reduces downtime, enhances validator reliability, maintains node integrity, accelerates network onboarding, and strengthens participation in growing blockchain ecosystems.

How KSYNC Works: An In-Depth Look

By leveraging KSYNC, you can effortlessly overcome the challenges of data access, making it easier and faster to sync your blockchain nodes. Here’s how KSYNC works and why it’s the data tool your network needs.

  1. Height-Sync: Height-Sync is the most versatile feature of KSYNC, combining the strengths of both block-sync and state-sync. Users can specify any block height, and KSYNC will determine the most efficient way to reach that height, whether by syncing a state snapshot first and then block-syncing to the target or by another optimized pathway. This flexibility allows for rapid data retrieval and is particularly useful for developers and analysts conducting historical research or needing data for specific events within the blockchain’s history.
  2. Block-Sync: Block-Sync is essential for validators and developers who require access to a full blockchain history. Traditionally, syncing from the genesis block to the current height could take days or even weeks, depending on the network’s size and the availability of peers. KSYNC optimizes this process by allowing users to retrieve all necessary blocks directly from the KYVE data pools. This method not only accelerates the syncing process but also ensures that the data retrieved is accurate and validated, reducing the risks associated with relying on inconsistent or incomplete peer nodes.

  3. State-Sync: State-Sync offers a more targeted approach, ideal for validators who need to quickly join a network and begin participating in consensus. Instead of downloading every block, State-Sync applies a snapshot of the blockchain’s state at a specific height, enabling the node to start functioning immediately from that point. What sets KSYNC apart is its ability to offer state-sync snapshots from any height, not just the latest one. This capability is crucial for validators who need to backtrack to specific points in the blockchain’s history, something that was previously impossible without expensive, centralized solutions.

KSYNC makes it possible to sync to any height in Tendermint in just a few seconds, a feature unimaginable before. This opens up endless possibilities as blockchain networks can access data from any height in seconds, not days.

How KSYNC Uses KYVE To Replace Archival Nodes

Archival nodes have traditionally played a critical role in blockchain networks. These nodes store and maintain the entire history of a blockchain, from its genesis block to the current state, making them essential for tasks that require access to historical data, such as auditing, research, and validation. Archival nodes ensure that every transaction, smart contract execution, and state change is preserved, allowing for complete transparency and the ability to trace any activity on the blockchain.

However, running an archival node comes with significant challenges. Maintaining a full history of the blockchain requires vast amounts of storage, computing power, and bandwidth. As blockchains grow over time, the data they generate increases exponentially, making archival nodes increasingly resource-intensive and costly to operate.

This has led to a situation where fewer and fewer entities are willing or able to maintain these nodes, leading to a reliance on centralized or third-party providers for access to historical data. This centralization of data access undermines the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology and introduces potential single points of failure.

KYVE fundamentally changes the landscape by making archival nodes effectively obsolete. With KYVE, the need for individual nodes to maintain the full history of a blockchain is eliminated. Instead, KSYNC leverages KYVE’s data pools as a decentralized, immutable, and streamlined data source to make it easy for nodes to get exactly what they need, extremely fast. These pools are maintained across a network of validators who archive and validate the data in a decentralized manner, ensuring that it is both reliable and easily accessible.

As mentioned above, through its block-sync, state-sync, and height-sync modes, KSYNC enables nodes to retrieve specific blocks, snapshots, or even entire histories as needed, all within minutes. This approach not only reduces the storage and computational burden on individual nodes but also enhances the overall security and resilience of the network by distributing the data storage and retrieval processes across a decentralized system.

By rendering archival nodes unnecessary, KSYNC democratizes access to historical blockchain data, allowing any node operator, regardless of their resources, to access the information they need. This shift not only makes blockchain networks more inclusive and decentralized but also significantly lowers the barriers to entry for new participants.

“KSYNC is revolutionizing how blockchain data is accessed by offering truly decentralized, fast data syncing. KSYNC empowers validators, developers, and analysts with trustless backup and streamlined access to blockchain data, laying the foundation for a more efficient and secure data ecosystem. It’s a significant step forward in creating a trustless and accessible environment for all participants” — Troy Kessler, KYVE Core Protocol Developer.

Applications of KSYNC

KSYNC’s impact on the blockchain ecosystem is already being felt across various projects and networks. For instance, Chorus One, a prominent validator in the Cosmos ecosystem, has integrated KSYNC to enhance its operations. By leveraging KYVE’s decentralized data pools, Chorus One can quickly sync nodes and maintain high availability, even during critical events like network upgrades or forks.

Recently, Crosnet has also joined KYVE as a validator for the protocol layer after being active on the consensus layer since the mainnet launch in early 2023. They use KYVE’s KSYNC tool to solve issues on nodes in cases of database failures. Recently, they experienced a Cosmos Hub archive node crash. By leveraging KYVE’s bundles, they initiated a super-fast resync, achieving synchronization at approximately 15 blocks per second.

Another primary application of KSYNC is decentralized finance (DeFi), where projects require precise and reliable historical data to execute smart contracts accurately. By using KSYNC, these projects can ensure that their smart contracts interact with the most up-to-date and verified data, reducing the risk of errors or exploits that could arise from using outdated or incorrect information.

The real value of KSYNC, however, is best expressed by those who use it often. Lefey, a top 20 KYVE protocol validator, captures the essence of KSYNC’s impact perfectly: “KSYNC is a very handy tool, allowing you to fast join networks without the need to search for working state-sync services anymore. I recommend it to all node runners—just test it, and you’ll realize its potential.”

The Future Of Blockchain Data Management

As the blockchain ecosystem grows, the importance of tools like KSYNC will only increase. By democratizing access to historical data and reducing the reliance on centralized providers, KSYNC is helping to shape a more decentralized and resilient future for blockchain technology.

For new projects and networks, KSYNC lowers the barriers to entry by making it easier for validators and developers to join and participate in the network from any point in its history. This accessibility is crucial for fostering innovation and ensuring that blockchain technology remains open and inclusive.

KSYNC is part of KYVE Network's suite of free tooling for developers and validators to access blockchain data accurately and efficiently. Explore KSYNC today and see how it can transform your interaction with blockchain data.

For more information on KSYNC, including installation guides and technical resources, visit the KYVE documentation or explore the academy for in-depth courses on blockchain data management.

Want to talk about it? Join our upcoming X Space with Osmosis Support Labs, Crosnest, and LavenderFive discussing the node experience and using KSYNC.

Blog Author: Abhishek, KYVE Contributor